

Please visit and support these hamfests!

NOTE: Dates highlighted in YELLOW are the last date the hamfest was held or an unconfirmed date!

DATES sometimes change, so PLEASE! Check with hamfest sponsors before traveling.

NOTE TO HAMFEST SPONSORS: To correct your date or add your fest!

Please contact us with your info. There is a link under the listing.

Time from Cookeville is the Google Map Cookeville center to the documented location of the Hamfest.

Are Hamfests Dead? - Good Article on the Sevier County Amateur Radio Society's Site


This list is also in a Google Sheet

Also see http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html for additional hamfest listings.

We will gladly place your hamfest in this list. Please provide date, city / state, talk-in freq, and a good link to your hamfest info online.

ALSO! Please let us know your new dates as soon as you have them!

To have your hamfest added to this listing, please email webmaster@cookevillerepeater.org